I will follow you

Dec 25, 2010

Uiam Gombak

The view of half of uia.haha
Tu is all the kuliyyah pnye building
Hostels tak masuk because besar sgt.

purple hand: my hostel
the other one: my kuliyyah and classes
between my kuliyyah and hostel, we have this batu cave stairs
121 anak tangga, i count okay and very curam okayy.
i think, im gonna take the picture of the stairs one day. haha
u imagine yourself
macam mane kami pergi ke klas hari hari?
in 4 years like this, saya akan tinggal tulang
i tell you. haha

oh i took this few days ago at my study table
sebab bosan gilaaaa.
okay one good thing about hostels uia is
bilik dia agak comfortable lah
its big and we have our own compartment
i dont like the compartment thingyy
because nnt study alone.
dang! tak best. haha
and and
4 of us will be so bored
so, we decided to play games.

oh this is the result.
ds means disqualified
we played bingo.
using the calculator.
at first we couldn't remember how to play it
each one of us called our school friends just to ask
how to play bingo using calculator
weird huh? but true lah weyh.
i asked mimi.
msti dia pelik kan mase tu. haha

eh? salah kuliyyah lah weyh.


Mimie Mazlan said...

seriouly da lupe.mak ni pulak dah tua kn nyaah!haha!btw..wht happen to ur hand??nmpk 'sihat'!!omg!!haha!*jk* ;p

aishah zulkifli said...

haha mmg seyes lah yangg oi.. huhu